Proven Tips & Tricks formula to ease your burden during crisis | Below Market value Property Investment Opportunity in Malaysia Post Covid-19 | Malaysia Real Estate Tips | Amenny PropertyTV

Malaysia Real Estate Channel is created to share Malaysia Real Estate information, Malaysia Real Estate property investment tips with a tagline, #MakeLifeEasy for a property owner and property investor.
Hi, guysWelcome to Amenny Property Channel.
In today's video, I am going to share with you Malaysia Property investment Outlook Post-Covid 19, buying together and leverage of power of group buying.
Who should stay back to watch this video?
If you are an employee, property owners, business owner or you are somebody are in debt. I strongly encourage you to stay back to watch this video. This probably your life-changing programmed. Nowlet me share with you the power of leverage via property.
Hi guys! Welcome to Amenny Property TV. If you like to know more about Malaysia Real Estate tips, please subscribe to me and you will get a free video every week.
I am using this formula to buy my twenty over properties in the past and now I am going to share with you what is my secret.
Secret number oneWe need to understand how can we move out of the comfort zone and rebuilding our life. We need to understand the power of the individual versus the power of the team. I strongly recommend you read a book called Rich Dad and Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. And that is my journey to become an investor, also understand the theory and concept of individual ability versus the group ability. Individual ability is we always chase for money, work for money and the group's ability is we let the money work for us. We start to hire people, leverage other people's knowledge, skill, and system and will be able to make more. There is a very powerful word in Chinese call "危机". That is described in the current situation of Covid-19. As I mentioned just now, I have been gone through two crises in 1998, and in 2008, this probably the last crisis that on me and for a lot of you.
How could we leverage on this crisis and move into an opportunity?
I am looking into this crisis as the world will reshuffle. Many of them will not go back to the same and we are going into a new norm, we call it new normal. Same to a Malaysia real estate investment and Malaysia real estate industry as well.
What will be the three opportunities that would appear in the Malaysia real estate industry?
First opportunityBulk Deal. Why Bulk Deal is the most profitable model during a crisis?
An investor needs to come up with a large capital fund to negotiate with the developer or property owner that they may have a balanced stock with that they need to commit a certain number of the property and they need to buy in a big volume. Of course, you can bargain a good discount but somehow there is a waste. If you are not able to sell it later, you still need to commit and buy the balance stock Bulk Deal is always for those people with huge capital and they are a big risk taker
Second opportunityforeclose, short sale, or fire sales. What is the definition of fire sale? The property must sell way below the market at least a thirty percent discount and above. It is a property that when you saw the price, you cannot resist yourself to go in to invest and to buy it. Back then in 2008, I met a group of US investors they make tons of money in foreclose and fire sale property. Many investors start to ring me up: “Amenny, if you have a fire sale please don't hesitate to call me, I want to go in now!”
Third opportunityBelow Market Value Property. It is easy for an individual to look into this kind of property because we can buy ourselves without coming out with huge capital. Usually this kind of property, we can even get a deal as a very minimum down payment or even zero down payment. This is a strategy that I used to purchase my five-property back in 2008 and I made five hundred thousand in the next year.
Thank you so much for watching my video. I am Amenny from OneWorld Real Estate group. The reason I made this video is I want to make life easier for a property owners and property investors. Please subscribe to me and you will get a free video every week.
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